Make beautiful pockets using the Zippered Pocket Template for adding a welt or zipper pocket.
Templates are like a durable pattern that greatly reduces measuring.
Zippered Pocket Template is designed to be used on #3 zips, #4.5 zips and #5 zips.
Each Zippered Pocket Template includes 3 sizes of pocket opening template 5.5'', 7.5'', 9.5''. The template has the cut line to helps mark exactly where to cut the opening for perfect pockets.
#3 zippers are the all-purpose zippers you can buy at any craft store, and they're what most POP ITH zipper bag designs use. #3 zippers have teeth that are 3mm wide, and almost always have tape that is 1" wide. #5 zippers have teeth that are 5mm wide, and the tape is around 1.25" wide. #4.5 zippers have teeth that are 4.5mm wide, and the tape is around 1.25" wide, and they usually have a longer "purse pull."
If you are a beginner, we have you covered.